Metropolis of Miami Gardens – Celebrating the 18th anniversary of its founding in 2021


The City of Miami Gardens will celebrate its 18th birthday on May 13, 2021. Hear from the Mayor and Councilors below about this upcoming milestone in the city’s history.

Mayor Rodney Harris
“Miami Gardens, congratulations on your 18 years! We pride ourselves on being an All-America City. We look forward to continuing to offer our residents good and well thought-out services and look forward to where the journey goes.

New businesses pop up almost every day. For example, the Miami Dolphins have built their practice facility and it is now opening; we have the tennis open in the stadium; and on 441 we have the new Dutch Pot. The city is growing continuously in a positive direction. “

Vice Mayor Reggie Leon
“I am very proud that Miami Gardens is celebrating this 18th anniversary. I remember councilor Audrey King coming out as a freshman in college and recruiting some of us into one of the very first city council elections. I actually walked around collecting signatures and standing up for them. The city status of Miami Gardens is something I was involved in from the start. Sitting here as Vice Mayor for the 18th year is a wonderful feeling to know how far this city has come. “

Councilor Shannon Campbell
“It has been 18 years since Miami Gardens was founded and the city is on track to meet the goals set by its founding members. They came together to provide a good quality of life to a predominantly African American community. You can see the city looks nicer. We have set up a police department, we have some great parks with splash protection areas and nice soccer fields. Rights of way have been improved, particularly along the NW 27th Avenue corridor. We do all of this with the consent of the community. You voted on it. Now we have big stores and big companies like Marshalls and Burlington that have come here and more are to come.

We have a lot of small businesses that have expanded like Lornas and Arlene. There were lots of vacant lots in Miami Gardens, but we don’t have that anymore. That’s why we’re an All-America City. Congratulations to Miami Gardens for this achievement. I am glad that I am here to be part of it. “

Councilor Shannan Ighodaro
“Congratulations to Miami Gardens on its 18th anniversary. Since the city was founded, we have seen its development and visible growth, especially in the areas of business development and our investments in the city’s public infrastructure, and we celebrate that. This growth alone enables us to foster an overall healthier community. “
Councilor Katrina Wilson

“I grew up in Miami Gardens. I went to high school, got my masters and bachelor’s degrees here. I’m so proud of Miami Gardens and the people who make up this city. It took a lot of courage to say, “We want to try our own way, our own hand in self-management.” We have been patient with ourselves as we have grown. We’re still a very young city, and the cool thing about Miami Gardens is that we don’t have to wish to be like Atlanta or Chicago or Memphis. We can just be proud of ourselves. We have our own uniqueness in our diversity. We have an incredible Caribbean and African American population rich in cuisine and entertainment. We have some very smart, out of the box thinkers with an entrepreneurial spirit. We are really seen as a single family, residential, middle or even upper class color community.

We have to prepare the next generations for their leadership role in the city. We have to develop a succession plan so that we can maintain the momentum when the baton is handed over. We came to the realization that crime had to be combated, that development had to be brought to the city, and that the city had to be redesigned. Now we are a workable destination for people who not only get through, but get there too. “

Councilor Linda Julien
“Miami Gardens has become a gem. I am so proud to be a resident of this city and to serve as a councilor. We are the third group of council members since the city was founded. We see councilors from different backgrounds and origins, and that speaks to our world-class city’s growth. Let’s keep taking Miami Gardens to the next level of prosperity. “

Councilor Robert Stephens, III
“I’ve lived in Miami Gardens since 2006 and am amazed at what has become of the city. I was a little boy and I’ve seen this new city grow and develop.

We see the improvements in our parking and recreation department, see how clean the city is now being kept, and see a growing and thriving police department. Crime has decreased, and that’s because of the great leadership in our police force. Our city has become the model for many cities in South Florida. Great tour and great residents who are well informed: This is how we get ahead. Miami Gardens, congratulations! Happy Birthday!”

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